Component Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
core MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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Glossary Flarum MIT 98% 1 1 9 1 0 0 0
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matteociaroni-public-suspensions MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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justoverclock-popular-tags MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
justoverclock-random-post MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
justoverclock-realtimecode MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
justoverclock-reputation-score MIT 0% 65 727 4,669 65 0 0 0
justoverclock-socialcards MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
justoverclock-steam-api MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
justoverclock-theaudiodb-api MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
justoverclock-users-map-location MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
justoverclock-website-live-screenshot MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
justoverclock-youtube-video-feed MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
krombox-oauth-wordpress MIT 0% 7 16 202 7 0 0 0
kyrne-evergreen MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
kyrne-websocket MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
madeyedeer-avatar-tools MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
maicol07-oidc-client MIT 16% 36 206 1,331 36 0 0 0
malago-fancybox MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
marchccc-mentions-group-users MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
matteociaroni-old-content MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
mattoid-store-auto-check-in MIT 0% 3 16 114 3 0 0 0
miniflar-admin-notepad-widget MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
miniflar-sidenav-download-button MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
nearata-auth-minecraft MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
nearata-dsts MIT 39% 14 86 415 14 0 0 0
nearata-embed-twitch MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
nodeloc-ignore-hidden-tags MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
nomiscz-auth-wechat MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
nosun-reply-to-see MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ordinaryjellyfish-automod MIT 0% 47 418 2,974 47 0 0 0
peruguitar-user-portrait MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
sas_sam-regrole MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
serakoi-hideprofile MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
shebaoting-repost MIT 0% 2 19 107 2 0 0 0
sycho-github-milestone MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
the-turk-miserable-users MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
tohsakarat-post-camera MIT 0% 1 3 20 1 0 0 0
tokenjenny-web3 MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
umhelper-oauth-clerk MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
webbinaro-affiliator MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
webbinaro-age-check MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
webbinaro-gpx-preview MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
widayn-avatar-cropper MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
wolfgang-demeter-bbcode-5star-rating MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
xrh0905-oauth-microsoft MIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
xypp-store-doorman MIT 0% 16 45 270 16 0 0 0
ziiven-fireworks MIT 0% 21 30 206 21 0 0 0


Project website
Instructions for translators
Project maintainers User avatar rob006
Translation license MIT acpl-lscache acpl-mobile-tab acpl-my-tags afrux-asirem afrux-forum-stats-widget afrux-forum-widgets-core afrux-news-widget afrux-online-users-widget afrux-top-posters-widget akr-chevereto annonny-dice antoinefr-money antoinefr-online archlinux-de-click-image askvortsov-article-series askvortsov-auto-moderator askvortsov-categories askvortsov-checklist askvortsov-discussion-templates askvortsov-help-tags askvortsov-markdown-tables askvortsov-moderator-warnings askvortsov-pwa askvortsov-rich-text askvortsov-saml blessing-oauth-client blomstra-conversations blomstra-database-queue blomstra-flag-duplicates blomstra-fontawesome blomstra-horizon blomstra-mark-unread blomstra-oauth-apple blomstra-oauth-slack blomstra-payments blomstra-readme blomstra-realtime blomstra-s3-assets blomstra-search blomstra-secondary-tags-toggler blomstra-sort-order-toggle blomstra-trello blomstra-turnstile blomstra-user-filter blomstra-usercard-stats blomstra-web3 blomstra-welcome-login blt950-oauth-generic cadiducho-bbcode cccyun-clogin-oauth clarkwinkelmann-anonymous-posting clarkwinkelmann-author-change clarkwinkelmann-carving-contest clarkwinkelmann-catch-the-fish clarkwinkelmann-clippy clarkwinkelmann-collapsible-posts clarkwinkelmann-colorful-borders clarkwinkelmann-composer-page clarkwinkelmann-create-user-modal clarkwinkelmann-default-image-alt clarkwinkelmann-discussion-bookmarks clarkwinkelmann-discussion-lists clarkwinkelmann-discussion-open-position clarkwinkelmann-editable-user-attributes clarkwinkelmann-email-as-display-name clarkwinkelmann-email-whitelist clarkwinkelmann-emojionearea clarkwinkelmann-external-email-validation clarkwinkelmann-featured-discussions clarkwinkelmann-first-post-approval clarkwinkelmann-follow-tags-prompt clarkwinkelmann-formatted-banner clarkwinkelmann-group-invitation clarkwinkelmann-group-list clarkwinkelmann-ipsum-autocomplete clarkwinkelmann-jwt-cookie-login clarkwinkelmann-likes-received clarkwinkelmann-mailing clarkwinkelmann-mass-actions clarkwinkelmann-meilisearch-dashboard clarkwinkelmann-money-rewards clarkwinkelmann-money-to-all clarkwinkelmann-passwordless clarkwinkelmann-popular-discussion-badge clarkwinkelmann-post-bookmarks clarkwinkelmann-post-permissions clarkwinkelmann-post-stream-search clarkwinkelmann-predefined-avatars clarkwinkelmann-prominent-post-numbers clarkwinkelmann-readonly-profile clarkwinkelmann-reset-preferences clarkwinkelmann-roll-die clarkwinkelmann-scout clarkwinkelmann-scratchpad clarkwinkelmann-see-past-first-post clarkwinkelmann-selective-mediaembed clarkwinkelmann-shadow-ban clarkwinkelmann-status clarkwinkelmann-sudo-mode clarkwinkelmann-translation-inspector clarkwinkelmann-typewriter clarkwinkelmann-username-blacklist clarkwinkelmann-vote-with-money clarkwinkelmann-who-read club-1-cross-references club-1-server-side-highlight convo-extensions-guest-posting convo-extensions-quick-reply core dalez-identityagent dalez-msemoji dalez-twemoji danirod-plausible datitisev-backup datitisev-discussion-agree-message datitisev-maintenance datitisev-post-galleries datitisev-webhooks-pro datlechin-add-like-controls datlechin-bbcode-hide-content datlechin-birthdays datlechin-birthdays-widget datlechin-cbox datlechin-chatgpt datlechin-copy-links datlechin-discussion-overview datlechin-keyboard-shortcuts datlechin-landing-page datlechin-link-preview datlechin-more-discussions datlechin-oauth-envato datlechin-oauth-spotify datlechin-offline-indicator datlechin-posted-on datlechin-pronouns datlechin-remove-sidenav datlechin-scroll-buttons datlechin-signup-button datlechin-silent-edit datlechin-simple-tour-guide datlechin-tag-passwords datlechin-title-length datlechin-usercard-uid datlechin-who-replied davwheat-ads davwheat-custom-sidenav-links davwheat-share davwheat-virtual-authors dem13n-discussion-cards dem13n-topic-starter-label extiverse-mercury ffans-clipboardjs ffans-geetest flamarkt-backoffice flamarkt-matomo flamarkt-taxonomies Flarum flarum-akismet flarum-approval flarum-bbcode flarum-emoji flarum-extension-manager flarum-flags flarum-gdpr flarum-likes flarum-lock flarum-markdown flarum-mentions flarum-nicknames flarum-pusher flarum-statistics flarum-sticky flarum-subscriptions flarum-suspend flarum-tags flarumite-simple-discussion-views flarumite-simple-spoilers fof-amazon-affiliation fof-analytics fof-anti-spam fof-ban-ips fof-best-answer fof-byobu fof-clockwork fof-cookie-consent fof-custom-footer fof-default-group fof-default-user-preferences fof-discussion-language fof-discussion-thumbnail fof-disposable-emails fof-doorman fof-drafts fof-filter fof-follow-tags fof-formatting fof-forum-statistics-widget fof-frontpage fof-gamification fof-geoip fof-github-sponsors fof-html-errors fof-ignore-users fof-impersonate fof-linguist fof-links fof-mason fof-masquerade fof-merge-discussions fof-moderator-notes fof-nightmode fof-oauth fof-open-collective fof-pages fof-passport fof-polls fof-pretty-mail fof-prevent-necrobumping fof-profile-image-crop fof-pwned-passwords fof-reactions fof-recaptcha fof-secure-https fof-sentry fof-share-social fof-sitemap fof-socialprofile fof-spamblock fof-split fof-stopforumspam fof-subscribed fof-terms fof-upload fof-user-bio fof-user-directory fof-username-request fof-webhooks foskym-activity-graph foskym-better-user-directory foskym-custom-levels foskym-issue-tracking foskym-issue-tracking-youtrack foskym-nickname-group-formatter foskym-oauth-center foskym-sorts-for-user-directory ganuonglachanh-sonic gbcl-minecraft-oauth gbcl-oauth-logto gbcl-userip glowingblue-localizd glowingblue-password-strength glowingblue-redis-setup gtdxyz-badges gtdxyz-login hehongyuanlove-auth-qq hikarilan-passkey-login huoxin-auto-follow-discussion huseyinfiliz-flagify huseyinfiliz-modern-footer huseyinfiliz-notificationhub huseyinfiliz-private-profile ianm-boring-avatars ianm-follow-users ianm-gravatar ianm-html-head ianm-level-ranks ianm-log-viewer ianm-no-meta-title ianm-oauth-amazon ianm-oauth-line ianm-oauth-reddit ianm-oauth-twitch ianm-syndication ianm-synopsis ianm-translate ianm-twofactor imdong-spam-alert imdong-visible-to-op-only irmmr-rtl jeromegillard-map jslirola-login2seeplus justoverclock-auto-post-badge-pro justoverclock-auto-post-count-badge justoverclock-be-active-user-indicator justoverclock-best-answer-badge justoverclock-broken-links-checker justoverclock-check-duplicate-discussions justoverclock-composer-autocomplete justoverclock-contactme justoverclock-country-flags justoverclock-custom-header justoverclock-custom-html-widget justoverclock-discord-widget justoverclock-discussion-hero-showtags justoverclock-discussion-info justoverclock-discussion-tags justoverclock-dontgoaway justoverclock-edit-posts justoverclock-events-countdown justoverclock-export-post-to-pdf justoverclock-feautured-discussions-widget justoverclock-feedback justoverclock-first-visit-indexpage justoverclock-first-visit-popup justoverclock-flachat justoverclock-frontend-blog justoverclock-geo-weather justoverclock-guestengagement justoverclock-hashtag justoverclock-header-slideshow justoverclock-hot-discussions justoverclock-hot-discussions-cards justoverclock-igdb-api justoverclock-imdb-api justoverclock-infocards justoverclock-job-cards justoverclock-keywords justoverclock-last-post-useravatar justoverclock-last-registered-users justoverclock-last-tweet justoverclock-last-users-posts justoverclock-newsfeed justoverclock-newsletter justoverclock-og-meta-tag justoverclock-popular-tags justoverclock-profile-stories justoverclock-purify justoverclock-pwgen justoverclock-random-post justoverclock-realtimecode justoverclock-related-discussions justoverclock-reputation-score justoverclock-socialcards justoverclock-staff-members-widget justoverclock-steam-api justoverclock-theaudiodb-api justoverclock-thread-read-time justoverclock-toastme justoverclock-user-pc-specs justoverclock-user-statistics justoverclock-username-blacklist justoverclock-users-map-location justoverclock-website-live-screenshot justoverclock-welcomebox justoverclock-youtube-video-feed katosdev-signature kilowhat-audit-free kilowhat-audit-pro kilowhat-cimaise kilowhat-custom-paths kilowhat-formulaire kilowhat-rich-embeds kilowhat-wordpress kk14569-anti-gmail-alias krombox-oauth-wordpress kyrne-evergreen kyrne-websocket kyrne-whisper litalino-adblock litalino-auto-post-count-badge litalino-blog-article-series litalino-country-flags litalino-geo-weather-widget litalino-more-bbcode litalino-related-discussions litalino-top-bar littlecxm-reply-to-see madeyedeer-avatar-tools madeyedeer-pallet-theme maicol07-oidc-client maicol07-sso malago-achievements malago-ads malago-fancybox marchccc-mentions-group-users matteociaroni-old-content matteociaroni-public-suspensions matteocontrini-imgur-upload mattoid-store mattoid-store-auto-check-in mattoid-store-check-in mattoid-store-invite michaelbelgium-discussion-views michaelbelgium-mybb-to-flarum michaelbelgium-profile-views michaelbelgium-umami migratetoflarum-canonical migratetoflarum-fake-data miniflar-admin-notepad-widget miniflar-sidenav-download-button miniflar-top-like-givers-widget muhammedsaidckr-gemini nearata-auth-minecraft nearata-cakeday nearata-cloudflare nearata-copy-code-to-clipboard nearata-dsts nearata-embed-twitch nearata-embed-video nearata-maintenance-mode nearata-minecraft-avatars nearata-password-strength-enforcer nearata-related-discussions nearata-signup-confirm-password nearata-tags-color-generator nearata-twofactor neoncube-private-messages nodeloc-dislikes nodeloc-ignore-hidden-tags nodeloc-lottery nodeloc-my-emoji nodeloc-referral nodeloc-telegram nodeloc-whisper nomiscz-auth-steam nomiscz-auth-wechat nosun-reply-to-see nyu8-email-filter ordinaryjellyfish-automod ordinaryjellyfish-dicebear ordinaryjellyfish-sentra peruguitar-user-portrait ralkage-hcaptcha ramesh-dada-gui-image-and-link ramesh-dada-realtime ramon-colored rehiy-reply-to-see rob006-last-post-avatar sas_sam-regrole serakoi-flarumstaffbadge serakoi-hideprofile shebaoting-money shebaoting-repost spookygames-auth-keycloak swaggymacro-only-starter sycho-advanced-extension-categories sycho-force-password-reset sycho-github-milestone sycho-move-posts sycho-private-facade sycho-profile-cover the-turk-diff the-turk-flamoji the-turk-mathren the-turk-miserable-users the-turk-nodp the-turk-quiet-edits the-turk-stickiest therealsujitk-gifs tituspijean-auth-ldap tohsakarat-post-camera tohsakarat-save-and-load-draft-automatically tohsakarat-table-of-content tohsakarat-tags-filter tokenjenny-web3 tpokorra-post-notification umhelper-oauth-clerk v17development-blog v17development-seo v17development-support v17development-user-badges validation vlssu-cravatar walsgit-discussion-cards walsgit-recycle-bin webbinaro-affiliator webbinaro-age-check webbinaro-calendar webbinaro-gpx-preview widayn-avatar-cropper wolfgang-demeter-bbcode-5star-rating xelson-chat xrh0905-oauth-microsoft xsoft-ict-mason-tag xypp-answer-bounty xypp-forum-quests xypp-invite-user xypp-pay-to-read xypp-sticky-card xypp-store xypp-store-auto-checkin xypp-store-doorman xypp-store-group xypp-user-decoration yippy-auth-ldap yippy-tag-with-themes ziiven-daily-check-in ziiven-decoration-store ziiven-fireworks ziiven-money-leaderboard ziiven-money-transfer ziiven-pay-to-see ziiven-post-number ziiven-view-history _meta

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 11,417 63,144 407,626
Approved 48% 5,560 48% 30,445 49% 199,986
Waiting for review 22% 2,533 22% 14,354 21% 89,610
Translated 70% 8,094 70% 44,800 71% 289,601
Needs editing 1% 61 1% 768 1% 4,821
Read-only 1% 1 1% 1 1% 5
Failing checks 1% 19 1% 234 1% 1,527
Strings with suggestions 1% 41 1% 177 1% 1,086
Untranslated strings 28% 3,262 27% 17,576 27% 113,204

Quick numbers

Hosted words
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

Hosted words
Hosted strings
User avatar None

New strings to translate

Flarum / neoncube-private-messagesVietnamese

5 new strings to translate appeared to the translation. 18 hours ago
User avatar None

Resource update

Flarum / neoncube-private-messagesVietnamese

The "translations/vi/neoncube-private-messages.json" file was changed. 18 hours ago
User avatar None

String updated in the repository

Flarum / neoncube-private-messagesVietnamese

18 hours ago
User avatar None

String updated in the repository

Flarum / neoncube-private-messagesVietnamese

18 hours ago
User avatar None

String updated in the repository

Flarum / neoncube-private-messagesVietnamese

18 hours ago
User avatar None

String updated in the repository

Flarum / neoncube-private-messagesVietnamese

18 hours ago
User avatar None

String updated in the repository

Flarum / neoncube-private-messagesVietnamese

18 hours ago
User avatar None

New string to translate

Flarum / fof-linksVietnamese

1 new string to translate appeared in the translation. 6 days ago
User avatar None

Resource update

Flarum / fof-linksVietnamese

The "translations/vi/fof-links.json" file was changed. 6 days ago
User avatar None

String updated in the repository

Flarum / fof-linksVietnamese

6 days ago
Browse all changes for this language